​​Open 24 Hours

(951) 779-1091 Inland Empire      (949) 600- 0433 OC and LA

Copyright A.A.I. Locksmith Services. All rights reserved. 

-Emergency 24/7 Auto lockout service

-Home lockouts

-Sheriff evictions 
-Real Estate properties
-Car and Home Key Duplicating + Re-keying
-Keyless Remotes, Ignitions, & Spare Keys
-Bathroom locks

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We offer a number of services including:



-San Bernardino

-Moreno Valley



All of our Locksmith Technicians are licensed and trained to craft a memorable experience with exceptional service. We work with a number of cities in the Inland Empire including:

Whether it is early in the morning, or late at night, we understand that losing your keys or locking yourself out of your car can happen at any time. Our technicians are waiting for your call, text, or e-mail to help!

Emergency Locksmithing